vue-image-zoomer - image zoom component for Vue.js 2, that also works on touch devices. It provides easy, flexible API and great customizability. bananajs/vue2-book-component - Book component for Vue 2. You can even monitor iPhone HTTP traffic without too much fiddling ( ) and all of these features will be part of the desktop app. It provides easy, flexible API and great customizability.
This tool also works really well with all our other tools which allow you to fuzz, run security scans, and perform request inspection inside your browser without the need to install a proxy.
And we do have a favourable licensing model which allows you to use the tool free of charge. I genuinely believe this tool will improve your workflow once we add OAuth support and collections hence why I mentioned it here. There is currently work in progress to build it on top of Electron as a desktop app but it can be done in WebKit as well on Mac. The tool works in the browser by leveraging a minimal browser extension. not seem as versatile as Insomnia, which I prefer to use for testing API calls and data. We don't have collections but you can save in projects (so files and folders). Compare Express.js and Postman head-to-head across pricing. We don't have builtin OAuth support but we are working on it. These two features alone superset Paw on the same feature set.

1 if it is compared to a particular String value (Test in this case). Website: insomnia.rest Pricing: Free, Paid plans start at 5 (per month/user) Insomnia started as an HTTP client, just like Postman itself, and evolved to a tool for API development.It offers an HTTP client, automated API testing, and an Open API editor. You can build very complex dynamic expressions ( ). Postman Galaxy - API First TrainingYou are using a collection generated from the. We have wider support for transforms which can be nested like Paw and we do have variables, which can also be nested. The URL and all other input fields, certainly support dynamic values, which can be selected from the dropdown or autocompleted by typing the value text. In terms of the verb and the version, you can either select them from the dropdown, type or use dynamic values. We will capture this feedback so that we can get back to it.